I got this for my smartphone. It was very difficult to put on and it covers the back button so I had to move it every time I wanted to use the button. I took it off and bought a wrist strap.
I've only used this for 3 days but so far, it seems sturdy and is able to be adjusted easily.
Fits my lg6 perfectly. Others covered my camera but this doesn't at all. I am a child care provider and take my phone outside with me to the playground and parks and want to be able to photograph the kids. This lanyard feels like it will hold up to daily use. Time will tell. I have only been using it for 2 weeks.
Bought this to hold my mobile, as I am an Instacart shopper and need a way to have my mobile handy as I shop. Holds my Samsung S10 snuggly and doesnt block the camera.
The product works as advertised. I have no complaints.
I like it because it does not block the camera, I don't like it because the cord is a little too long for me and it bounces due to the elasticity of the cord.
I'm now able to hear my phone when shopping. Very important
Buyer beware it blocks the fingerprint button and messes with your volume button on the S10e. I bet any other phone would be great.
Excellent for water adventure very durable and phone was secured didn't have a concern with while using it
Easy to use strong material a little hard to understand at first for me. Use it mainly as a backup to my sturdier clip-on case.
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